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Click/tap and drag to orient the background image
Click/tap and drag to select your sign size
Click/tap and drag to adjust the scale to 1 metre
Drag and drop to select display size
Maximum Visibility
0m for text-based content
0m for image-based content
0m for video-based content
0m text, 0m images, 0m video,
Sign Width
Sign Height
Sign Type
Double-Sided SignSingle-Sided Sign
Construction Type
Pixel Pitch
Text visibility - from to metres
Image visibility - from to metres
Video visibility - from to metres
Control System
Software System
Network Connection
Video Connection
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Company ABN
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Page 4

            Your quote request has been submitted. Once your details are verified you will be emailed a formal quotation for your selected digital display sign.

            You can view the product specification sheet now here.

            A copy of the specification sheet and this confirmation has been sent to your email. Please check your junk or spam folder to ensure you are receiving emails from DDSB and we are not being incorrectly filtered. Your formal quote will come from the same email address so please ensure this email is whitelisted and not blocked.

            Click here to visit the technical page for view constructions drawings, assembly drawings wiring and communication systems.