Digital displays can be constructed with a steel or aluminium frame.
Further information may be found here.
Pixel pitch is the size in millimetres between each individual LED pixel. The smaller the pitch, the higher the resolution.
Further information may be found here.
The control system is the device that renders content to the digital display. A synchronous video controller is for displays that require high resolution, video or live content (similar to a regular computer monitor).
An embedded display controller is for smaller displays, text-based displays, and displays that require high fidelity textual information (such as information pylons, time/date displays, etc.)
Further information may be found here.
The software system is the device that controls what content is shown on the display.
Further information may be found here.
Remote CMS is a cloud based web application and thus requires an internet connection. Standard PC network connections such as ethernet and wifi are supported, and may include up to 100 metres of cabling between the control system and the digital display.
4G mobile network is also supported, for which you can provide your own mobile SIM card, or use Remote CMS provided mobile hosting.
Further information may be found here.
The video connection is the type of cabling needed to connect your BYO media player to the control system. This can be either a DVI cable direct connection to the control system, or up to 100 metres of data cabling.